Walking with Nanak

Haroon Khalid is an anthropologist and author of four books. Walking with Nanak is his highly rated third book and is a result of a lifetime’s fascination with the life of Guru Nanak. In the words of The Hindustan Times : “Khalid manages to bring the founder of Sikhism to life, manages to walk with him, and manages to take readers along.”

Haroon Khalid

Haroon Khalid talks about Guru Nanak's life, philosophy and legacy through the gurdwaras in Pakistan. Haroon Khalid describes his own travels across the length and breadth of Pakistan as he visits the many gurdwaras and other locales associated with the saint, delving into their history and musing about their place and significance in a Muslim country. This book is not merely a story about gurdwaras, it is also a re-telling of the story of Nanak the son, the poet, the wanderer, the father, the friend. Sifting through the stories of his miracles and poetry, we emerge with a picture of Nanak, the man.
Buy 'Walking with Nanak' here >>
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