The Wheat Fields Still Whisper - and Sometimes Roar

Mallika Kaur will talk about her recent book that tells the unusual sides to Punjab's conflict story.

Mallika Kaur

Mallika Kaur is a lawyer and writer who focuses on gender and racial justice. She is the co-founder and Acting Executive Director of the Sikh Family Center, the only Sikh American organization focused on gender-based violence. Her book “Faith, Gender, and Activism in the Punjab Conflict: The Wheat Fields Still Whisper” was recently published by Palgrave MacMillan. Kaur holds a Master in Public Policy from Harvard and a Juris Doctorate from UC Berkeley School of Law where she now teaches skills-based and experiential social justice classes, including "Negotiating Trauma, Emotions and the Practice of Law.
Writer and lawyer Mallika Kaur will talk about the urgent intervention her recent book makes in the telling of the history of the Punjab conflict, which to date has been characterised by a fixation on sensational violence—or ignored altogether.. Focusing on human rights defenders, including many unsung women, who challenged the violence that paralyzed most others.
Buy ‘Faith, Gender, and Activism in the Punjab Conflict: The Wheat Fields Still Whisper’ here >>
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